I am 11 and about 1 year i have 2 dream jobs there are an actress and a stewardess. I want to be an actress because me with my family ussually watch movies in cinema and on our TV. The last time that we watched movie was about 5-7 days ago. Wa strated watching《Alien》 For the first wa watched《Alien》, then《Aliens》, then my dad sent us a correct order that we need to watch alien, and the first one was the《Prometheus》this was the last one that we watched from alien but there are 3 more that we need to watch. Ther is the correct order.


Alien: Covenant



Alien 3

Last time that we watched movie in cinema was about 1 week ago, we watced 《Godzila》. I like to watch movies and i think that it will be cool that i will be in movies too.

I want do be a stewardess because when i flyed in airplane i liked them and their job. I know few minuses to be a stewardess like you need to be a tall or you need to wake up early but its okay. If i will be tall i will try. And if you are a stewardess you will travel.

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