One day a man went to see his doctor and said to him, ‘I’ve swallowed a horse,
doctor, and I feel very ill.’
The doctor thought for a few seconds and then said, ‘All right, Mr. Lloyd, I’ll
help you. Please lie down on this bed.’
The doctor’s nurse gave the man an injection, the man went to sleep, and the
doctor went out quickly to look for a horse in the town.
After half an hour he found one, borrowed it and took it into his office, so
when Mr. Lloyd woke up, it was there in front of him.
‘Here’s the horse, Mr. Lloyd,’ the doctor said. ‘I’ve taken it out of your
stomach, and it won’t give you any more trouble now.’
At first Mr. Lloyd was happy, but then he looked at the horse again and said,
‘But, doctor, my horse was white, and this one’s brown!’

A. Answer the questions.

1. Did the doctor think, ‘This man has really swallowed a horse’?
no he didn’t
2. Why did the nurse give the man an injection?
Because men says he’s very ill and he swallowed an horse, and doctor give men an injection and go an find another horse.
3. What did the doctor do when he went out?
For finding another horse.
4. What did Mr. Lloyd see when he woke up?
When he woke up doctor brings a horse.
5. Why was Mr. Lloyd not happy when he looked at the horse more carefully?
Because when he saw the horse it was brown but his horse was white.

B. Which words in the story on page 12 mean:

1. sick-ill
2. pleased-
3. visit-went to see
4. fast-quickly
5. discovered-look

C. Put the number of the correct sentence under the correct picture.

1. The nurse gave Mr. Lloyd an injection.-3
2. The doctor went out into the street.-5
3. Mr. Lloyd said, ‘I feel very ill.’-2
4. Mr. Lloyd woke up.-6
5. Mr. Lloyd came into the doctor’s office.-1
6. Mr. Lloyd went to sleep.-4

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