
We went to the cinema yesterday.
We didn’t go to the cinema yesterday.
Did we go to the cinema yesterday?

John read a comic yesterday afternoon.
John didn’t read a comic yesterday afternoon.
Did John read a comic yesterday afternoon?

My friends came to my house last weekend.
My friend didn’t come to my house last weekend.
Did my friend come to my house last weekend.

You bought a new CD yesterday.
You didn’t buy a new CD yesterday.
Did you buy a new CD yesterday?

I swam in the sea last summer.
I didn’t swim in the sea last summer.
Did I swim in the sea last summer?

Emma told me a joke yesterday.
Emma didn’t tell me a joke yesterday.
Did Emma tell me a joke yesterday?

The cat ate a fish last night.
The cat didn’t eat a fish last night.
Did the cat eat a fish last night?

You and Jim made sandwiches for lunch yesterday.
You and Jim didn’t make sandwiches for lunch yesterday.
Did you and Jim make a sandwiches for lunch yesterday?

Dad drove to work yesterday morning.
Dad didn’t drive to work yesterday morning.
Did dad drive to work yesterday morning?

Our grandparents sent us an email last week.
Our grandparent didn’t sent us an email last week.
Did our grandparents sent an email last week?


1 Marita didn’t go shopping yesterday.
2. Marita cleaned the house yesterday.
3. Marita fed the cat yesterday.
4. Marita didn’t phone Mary yesterday.
5. Marita didn’t watch a film on TV yesterday
6. Marita visited her grandparents yesterday.
7. Marita bought them a cake yesterday.

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